Tuesday, January 26, 2010


If you know me, you know I have really weird dreams. e-v-e-r-y  n-i-g-h-t. Sometimes I dream in full plots, other times I only remember a thing or two.

Last night I dreamt there was a cockroach in my bathtub. The night before I dreamt that my neighborhood was scary and I was being stalked and was trying to move into a small studio apartment and/or ride Splash Mountain.

Lately I have had dreams about babydolls, Twilight werewolves, novacaine,  movie theaters, Tupperware, and stuffed animal corsages. It doesn't stop until I wake up. Until today. I think today was the first day that I started dreaming in real life... daydreaming you may ask? Daynightmare may be more like it.

Riding the subway to work this morning I was feeling very sleepy. This is not uncommon. I often close my eyes for the 9-stop ride. Today as I closed my eyes I started getting extremely paranoid that someone was going to hurt me. More specifically I was vividly picturing someone cutting my nose off. (!!!!!????!?!)

It escalated to the point where I was too scared to close my eyes anymore. Then the person next to me started searching their coat pocket for something. A knife to cut off my nose? Nope, just his iPhone. Swiss army knife app? Nope.

The second my eyelids got heavy enough to close again, the thought of my chopped off nose flashed back into my head. Eyes popped open.

Delusional tired morning? Perhaps.. But then I got on the subway tonight after work, closed my eyes and the nose chopping fear instantly returned.

1 comment:

  1. dream interpretation:
    "Cutting off the nose to spite the face" is an expression used to describe a needlessly self-destructive over-reaction to a problem: "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face"
    --->don't know what it could mean, just wiki'd it. haha...i'm glad you still have your perfect kitten nose.
