Monday, November 23, 2009

googly eye?

I went to the eye doctor yesterday for the first time in 6 or 7 years. I've had glasses since I was 16 but never wear them. The lenses don't even fit in the frames anymore. I've known since I was a teenager that I have astigmatism and figured that as a 25 year old adult, I'd better get a check up. At work I have to pull my computer monitor an embarrassingly close distance to my face so I figured I was in store for an updated prescription and maybe even (gasp!) contacts.

At the doctor I did the normal tests - the puff of air in the eye (which always makes me think of Rachel on Friends), followed the doctor's pen move around in circles, and read the eye chart from across the room. I found that I had a really hard time distinguishing any letters with my left eye when my right eye was covered. Everything looked like teensy little grey blurry blobs.

She wrote some things on her clipboard and said,

"You have astigmatism. It's worse in your left eye and making it a



have you ever been told that?"

"umm. nope... "

She left the room and I sat there shocked wondering about my newly announced lazy eye. Is this something people can see and NO ONE has EVER told me?!! Do people not know which eye to look at when they talk to me?? That is SO awkward! She said when I followed the pen my eye was floaty! I never knew I had a set of googly eyes.

When I got home I made Laina stare at me. She said she couldn't see it. But I feel like I have a set of
gOoGLy eyes.


  1. Maybe you got it from too much GOOGLE image searching. Just a thought...

    "That's one of them!"

    P.S. Everyone that reads this blog needs to watch Some Like it Hot. It's a must.

  2. When I finally went to the eye doctor after 8 years.... I was told I had TWO lazy eyes! Although not the more traditional lazy eye that wont move... mine refuse to focus on anything that isn't about 2-3 feet in front of my face. The doctor said it was from staring at a computer screen all day in my boring office jobs.

    I got 2 pairs of glasses, and guess how often I wear them -- NEVER. What the heck is wrong with me?
