Happy NYC Anniversary to me! It was a full circle moment today because I flew back to my NYC home after a weekend in LA. As I flew into the city, I was trying to distract myself from almost peeing my pants so I started to think about the memories I have from moving here three years ago. It was SO cold, so foreign, so scary, and so new. Everything was unknown and I couldn't believe I was going to be living in New York City!
Today I woke up at 5am in LA wearing yesterday's makeup, threw some clothes on, ate a sausage McMuffin and boarded my plane back to good old NYC. But when riding in the cab through the East Village and into my neighborhood it felt new and unknown again, like it does every time I come back. But then I went in to my neighborhood Duane Reade where the cashiers know me and robotically ask, "did you find everything you was looking for?" and I had a reality check that felt like home again.
Happy THREE Years!!! Even though the Duane Reade girls know my facewash preferences, and equally comfort and irk me with their poor grammar, it still is weird that I LIVE here.
and yes, below is the said day-old makeup and tired, traveled, shiny face.
I'm so glad you found what you was looking for in NYC. Happy 3 year anniversary. Take a shower.