Sunday, February 22, 2009

things i've learned from my parents

1. Going green is no new concept.
Ever since I can remember, my dad would absolutely insist that we turn off every light in unoccupied rooms and NEVER mess with the heat. He preached the put on a sweatshirt if you're cold speech rather than let anyone set a finger on the damn thermostat. When the thermostat was mysteriously changed to a higher setting it was never a good thing. Yikes! Now, sometimes these "good" habits have some ramifications: I turn off the lights as I exit the room, leaving some sweatshirted individual in the dark.

2. Always clean before you travel
From family camping trips to my first overseas excursion, I have learned from my mom that the mandatory precursor to a successful vacation is a clean house to come home to. Ever since I can remember, vacuuming is to suitcases, as emptying the trash is to travel-sized deodorants.

3. Uncleanliness can be FUN
Only a mother can love her daughter enough to not only tolerate, but encourage uncleanliness. Every time I go home for a visit I turn into a dirty scrub for a day or two. You may think I am talking about not applying eye makeup so I can satisfyingly rub my eyes. No. I am talking about hair that is so greasy it looks like I rubbed a tub of Crisco on my bangs. And what does my mom say? With a chuckle she simply says, "Isn't it fun to be ugly?" Yes it is.

4. I can only hope to be like them!
As I've gotten older I realize what fun they have with eachother. They're truly lifelong companions and always know how to make eachother laugh. They're great parents and a huge support system to their 3 kids. Thanks mom and dad for being so fun, great, silly, and awesome role models. I love you!


  1. mr. and mrs. debell!!!
    i feel like i've never understood jamie better than this moment. and can you please try and make the face of mr. debell in pic 2? i think your face can do it james...just try. try hard.

  2. awwww, I yike this one. Mostly because I am wearing a huge sweatshirt because I don't want to turn the heat on, and I was planning in my head earlier when I would get the house cleaned before our trip! No lie! Oh, and I look pretty ugly right now too! M and D are great!

  3. Only two more weeks. Have you started cleaning yet???
