Monday, February 23, 2009


I love a good manicure and pedicure. I've talked about this before. I also love getting massages and getting my hair done. I love just about anything that will improve my outward state and is considered pampering. I hope others get the same happy, clean, relaxed feeling that I get after a fresh coat of polish or getting my split ends trimmed away.

Spas historically have been reserved for women to disappear and reemerge happier than ever with bouncy, vibrantly highlighted hair. All we know is that the beautifying processes supposedly scare away men: thick green mudmasks with cucumbered eyes, silver alien foils in the hair, and the parmesan-like shaving of the heel skin. However, now that we're living in 2009 in the land of equal rights, men are not scared they're joining in! It is not unlikely to see a male getting his heel callouses shaved like parmesan too. Men are welcomed into this world. At some nail places you'll see men's manicure or men's pedicure (rightfully at a higher price). Men's grooming is not only limited to a hot shave and a #2 buzz cut at the neighborhood barbershop anymore. There are full service men-only spas dedicated to the pampering of our modern day dude. Equal rights 2009! All men and women with calloused feet unite!

I have to say that I am all for men getting pedicures. Who wants to date a boy with some nasty foot fungus or thick yellowed baby toenails? That is some nasty shit. I am a big fan of the metro sexual male who knows how to groom himself properly. That way I will not have to be the girlfriend who is forced to pop his bacne and remind him that he should have 2 eyebrows, not just 1.

Anyway, I was at a nail place with my pampering-loving friend Juliann and in walks a man who peels off his socks and dips his feet into the sudsy jet-powered pedicure water. I whisper to Juliann to look at his nasty baby toenail and we both cringe at the thought of the poor girl having to cut that thick, brittle nail and having to put her face so close to those rank feet. Although, in the end of it all I think good for him. It's great that this man wants to have pretty feet too. Juliann and I went over to the nail dryers to finish up our experience and I turn around to see this!
Pedicure dude is now onto his manicure with his ASS CRACK HANGING OUT. Ok, it is great that men want to improve and maintain their appearances, but isn't there something wrong with having nicely filed nails, clipped cuticles and a very exposed plumber's crack? Is he trying to prove a point and show everyone his level of masculinity? Or maybe, I thought, he is just airing out the area because next on his list of treatments is a waxing! And from what I could see, that would probably have been a good idea.