Friday, December 12, 2008

mic check one two one two......

"Hello world (wide web)!!" This blog is very overdue as I have been wanting to write for a while and finally decided to take action and start the damn thing.

Like every 24 year old, I am constantly over analyzing my life and future but still am lucky enough to blur the line between responsibility and irresponsibility (semi)guilt-free. 24 year olds are still considered young and should take full advantage of their youth and always "live for the moment" --so cheesy, but doesn't Oprah reiterate this somehow on 4 out of 5 episodes?

Anyway, today I was sitting in a public area and I hear "excuse me.... excuse me." I turn around to see a guy staring directly at me. "Ma'am, do you have a pen I can borrow?"

I hand him the pen, no big deal. But... ma'am?? Really? Jeez I haven't even officially hit my mid 20's yet and I'm outgrowing the coveted title of miss. This sucks. When did this happen? I suddenly make a mental note to rush to Sephora after work to stock up on heavy duty anti-wrinkle creams since I now received a doomed welcome into the ma'am demographic.

After more reflection and embracing the future ma'am in me, I must point out that life is fleeting and I want to both remember and share my version of it. That's what this is about. Sharing my life. Neuroses and all.


  1. For the Record...

    "Madam, Madame, ma'am, or Mme is a title for a woman. It is derived from the French madame (see different meanings of madame here), the equivalent of Mrs. or Ms., and literally signifying "my lady." The plural of madam in this sense is mesdames. The French madame is in turn derived from the Latin mea domina meaning 'my mistress' of the home (domus) "Madam" may also refer to a woman who runs a brothel.

    Madam is used in direct address, without the woman's name, for example when addressed by a stranger: May I help you, madam? In the United States, "Ma'am" is usually used."

    ... It could definately be worse. Unless, of course, the guy was assuming you ran a brothel.

  2. No daughter of mine is old enough to be called Ma'am!!!!
    I love your blog, Jamie. Where did this writing talent come from?

  3. I love your blog and especially love the title!! It's like Britney's "I'm not a Girl, not yet a Woman" only not cheesy!! And I am definitely offended when people call me Ma'am. It's not okay.
