Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My (most fun and I want to do it again) Vacation

I've been struggling with creativity and inspiration lately. Mostly because I am depressed to return to my normal life after a 7 day vacation of a lifetime with my dear fam. Here is a mini photo diary of the highlights.
My seeester challenge: refill ice cream cones every time we pass the ice cream machine. We quickly upgraded into getting a bowl, crunching up cookies and filling the bowl at the ice cream machine.The crew (from right to left): me, seeester, brother in law, future sisssy in law and bro.
Randy getting felt up by the shot girl.
Me getting felt up by the shot girl. "Free massage!"

Porn star Echo Valley! "I'm sooooo drunk!" After a little Wikipedia search I learned that this was my introduction to the bra size 65NN
Please someone take me back to this moment. Around this point in time I was floating in the ocean thinking about how lucky I was NOT to be working on Excel spreadsheets.
My tan is quickly fading, my shins and feet are peeling, my sandflea bites still itch, and I REALLY miss my family!


  1. memories of you buying a bra in the russian market suddenly came rushing back at me.

  2. awwwe i miss these times so much :( hunsiessss come hommmme
