Tuesday, December 22, 2009

that fuzzy Christmas feeling

Today I received a super chic and fancy Christmas present. It is the below tower of cute purple boxes with toffee, caramels and truffles from some swanky Upper East Side chocolate shop. I was so excited because A.) I love purple, B.) I don't have much food at home and C.) I have an aggressive fat inner child who could barely wait the subway ride home to binge on the chocolate for dinner.

I opened up the pretty the boxes and read the 'what's what' information inside and chose to try the Naga chocolate. Sweet Indian curry powder + coconut + milk chocolate. The circled chocolate below.
I bit into it and it was rock hard and coated inside with a strange powdery/fuzzy texture. I took a closer look at the inside (although it was really blurry because I JUST finally got my contacts). I thought maybe this was some strange exotic addition and was maybe the curry powder until I felt the fuzz of mold on my tongue. I ran to the bathroom to spit it out and wash out my mouth.

Laina and I cut up all the rest to see what was lurking inside. Out of the box of nine, two were moldy. Of course it was the one I bit into.

Merry Moldy Christmas!

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