Let me set the record straight by saying this isn't a race to see who can be the bigger maneater, but more of a healthy mindset. The ex files are officially closed, folks. I must say, a boost of inspiration comes from my friends' blog the 4321 Experiment where four roommates (two of which I once called roommates) are all online dating and reporting their results for all to read. Over Thanksgiving my mom started nudging me: "why don't you try your own experiment? You need to see that not all guys are jerks." My response at the time: "Mom, I am NOT interested. Someone who hates all men should not be dating!!!!"
Flash forward one month and I have resolved to take matters into my own hands and seek out new and better men. Something clicked and I started twenty ten new men early.
For example...
Last week after drinking champagne at a work function, a few of us migrated to a bar. Being that we started drinking at 4, I was drunk by 8. I began making eyes--blatantly staring at a cute waiter. He was cute, tall and was wearing glasses. Somehow after tequila shots with gross Jersey Shore type guys, I boldly decided to give the scholarly-cute waiter my phone number. I walked up to him and when I tried to give him my number, he stopped me because he had already written his number for me to take.
Let the texting begin! I woke up painfully hungover on Friday and looked through my phone only to be embarrassed by the stupid texts I sent. But, they must not have been that bad because he kept asking when we could meet up. He came over to my friend's party on Saturday (through a blizzard mind you) and was SO nice, cute, friendly and tall. He is from Georgia, one of 5 siblings and confessed to reading the Twilight series. Aside from the Twilight confession, he did pass my test #1. I was wearing 3 inch heels which put me at 6'2", and he was STILL comfortably taller than me.
But things have gotten a little weird. He texts me at random times and has yet to set anything in stone. Hello, why can't you just pick a time and we will meet. It's called a date!? Come on Southern boy, you should know how to charm a lady!!
Yesterday he asked at 5:19pm if we could meet up. I said possibly later because I have to pack and run some errands before I leave for Seattle. No response. I woke up this morning to find a text received at 1:29am "You still out? need a drink or hot cocoa?" ...ummm no. I went to bed at 11:30. And this is where I get awkward. I don't know how to respond to that. I figure my options are:
1) "Hi. I was asleep at 1:30.. rain check?"
2) "By later, I meant 8 or 9, not 1:30"
3) "Are you a vampire? Why are you drinking cocoa at 1:30 am?"
Obviously I sent him text option 3.
Let the games begin!
realllly enjoying catching up on your blog. you make me laugh. xoxo